The Future Of Agriculture In Egypt
This study related to Carbon Footprint Center (CFC),Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development Sustainable Agriculture has been identified as a main element of the Green Egyptian Economy (UNEP, 2012). Egypt is at a crossroad of starting a new era, the main challenges according to the Global Competitiveness Report2015 (WEF, 2015) are “Green Economy”, “Human Development” and […]
10 foods to boost your brainpower
Whether you want to optimize your nutrition during exam season or simply want to stay sharp in your next work meeting, paying attention to your diet can really pay off. Although there is no single ‘brain food’ that can protect against age-related disorders such as Alzheimers’ or dementia, and there are many other medical conditions […]
Facts about the Colors of Fruits and Vegetables That You Should Know
Blue/ Purple: Various Fruits and vegetables, like egg-plant, Blueberries, plums, and raisins can be found with a blue to purple hue. The color Blue or Purple is due to phytonutrients known as anthocyanins, (which is a flavonoid) present in these items. Plants produce these phytonutrients to protect themselves against attacks from insects and damage from […]
Greevill offers a trusted truck-transportation service to ensure your cargo arrives on time and safe and sound.
Custom Clearance
Our reliable freight forwarder providers (Air, Ocean & Land) and each related service help ease Export regulations and paperwork in record time for all of your shipments; handling all the trade compliance and procedures in the best way to ensure on-time delivery.
Quality Control
Harvested with care and attention to hygiene, all of our raw materials are delivered from the farm to our factories in environmentally controlled, refrigerated trucks. Then, they are subjected to a tough quality-control process before being processed at our facilities. To provide a finished product with top-notch quality and consistency, all Greevill manufacturing procedures are […]